BUILD or BUY your test solution that’s the question.
As an engineer you get your satisfaction from designing solutions for yourself or you employer. Unfortunately as an engineer you cannot be the best in all disciplines involved in building and designing a test solution.
One thing you will be the best in is designing solutions that make money for yourself or your employer.
When you want to design a test solution yourself the following items are important and all need to be considered.
- Define your system size and dimensions (find the right test rack and features)
- Developing customer wanted features, (time consuming and therefore costly).
- Defining the right components, (going trough catalogues, check specifications & prices etc).
- Ordering and tracking these components (done by purchasing, but involves also meetings & time)
- Designing instrument to Mass Interconnect wiring (requires specific know how, is time consuming)
- Designing system wiring (solve problems like in-rush current, power distribution etc.)
- Implementing safety features (CE, Safety, ergonomics, serviceability, maintenance routines etc.)
- Software / driver implementation (does it work are my drivers compatible, user interface)
- Software Development (To control the tester and all safety and customer features)
- Debugging (all developed features and routines)
- CE testing and certification, RF characteristics
- Documentation (is very important but often neglected due to lack of time) etc. etc.
Other important thinks to consider are; is my system future proof, flexible, modular, reusable, and scalable.
All the above involves meetings and discussions with management and going through a justification process etc. whereby managers often will remove some “nice to have” but not necessary features due to cost and time that they might take to develop.
To go short lots of valuable time is wasted by your engineers, time that they could have spend designing their the actual test application.
Therefore it is a clever thing to go For FastATE from 6TL. With fastATE 6TL enables you to build a test solution that is Flexible, re-usable, modular, high-quality and standard in 70% off the time you usually need to build a test platform. See below how this is realised.

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