Je bekijkt nu High Cycle Life with VTAC

High Cycle Life with VTAC

VTAC SolutionsVTAC contact technology are ideal for Inline manufacturing test environments, which are some of the most demanding test environments in the Test and Measurement industry. With thousands of devices under test and minimal downtime allocated for maintenance, test equipment can quickly fall into disrepair and require frequent replacement. To address this need, DFT customers have used VTAC contacts when other contacts simply cannot withstand the rigors of test. These contacts are sexless and have low insertion force. Their paddle design establishes a polishing effect, which reduces the amount of gold wear over time. When paired with VPC’s high cycle iDock Series interface, high quantities of VTAC can be used in a moderate-float interface to achieve life cycles that extend to 200,000 mating cycles. VTAC inserts provide extreme signal density. Since each insert is designed to hold 4 differential pairs, each insert can host eight 3 amp signal contacts. In an iDockSeries D3 configuration, three VTAC solutions afford a test engineer up to 816 signal test points in a single interface, or 272 signal test points per module.

VPC 9025 Full
VPC 90 series front view of 9025 Mass Interconnect receiver (test system side)

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